The POS Blog | Everything you need to know about GP orthodontics

SmileStream Beta has officially launched!

Written by POS Course Adviser | 7/25/16 7:45 PM

The long awaited update to IPSoft is finally here. SmileStream Beta was released worldwide to POS students and graduates on July 25.

To create your free SmileStream account, click here.


With SmileStream Orthodontic Software, you will be able to work on your cases on any computer, from anywhere in the world. We have updated many areas of the software to significantly reduce your diagnosis and treatment planning time including automatic VTOs, faster RBTs and more. Check out the new features here.

FULLY COMPATIBLE (Including Windows 10)

You can use SmileStream on any operating system. SmileStream will be released in the last days that Windows 10 can be upgraded for free. If you're thinking to get Microsoft's free upgrade, please read "Should I upgrade to Windows 10 FAQ".


SmileStream has a new modern layout, but it was designed to be as similar to IPSoft as possible. We expect all IPSoft users to be able to make the transition to SmileStream with little additional training (although we are always here to support you if you need it). To help you decide if now is the right time to make the switch, please read our "Should I Upgrade?" FAQ.


SmileStream has been built as a cloud-based software, which allows us to easily provide updates and fixes whenever needed. We have great expansion plans for the future of SmileStream, however for the moment we are focused on getting the Orthodontic Module to be as efficient as possible. At this stage, we are aware of a few issues that you may come across, but we have detailed out workarounds on our Known Problems & Fixes page.

We at POS are extremely proud to continue bringing you the very best in GP orthodontic software and training. We want to make sure the transition to SmileStream is as easy for our students as possible, so please let us know if there's anything at all that we can assist you with.