Progressive Dental Supply (PDS) is there for you in your time of need. We like to support our POS family and help supply them with their needs during cases.
Common Causes for Band Bracket Breakage
Some of the common reasons for band brackets breaking are pretty simple to identify. In the following section, we will go over some of the most typical reasons for band breakage.
Improperly positioning the bite stick against the bracket can give unfavorable results. Be sure that the bite stick is resting on the band versus the bracket. Excessive force from the patient's jaw will break the bracket away from the band.
Improper band sizing tends to be a pretty common issue that leaves room for the band to shift improperly, working against your case.
If you look at the image above, there is plenty of space between the molar and the band in some sections. If you find that you are able to comfortably fit a size 17 on a tooth, try dropping down 1 size to see if there's perhaps a better fit. Another issue that you may run into is possibly seating the band in the wrong position. In the image below, you can see that the band is sitting too low to adequately give the teeth room to shift into the proper position.
Inconsistencies of band placement could also be an issue. When putting new bands on in different positions, this could throw off the angles, which has multiple adverse effects and can affect proper teeth movement as well as cause band bracket breakage.
What Separates our Bands from Competitors
Our bands are made from the highest quality steel and are hand-welded here at our headquarters in Aliso Viejo, California. We strive to go beyond the industry standard by testing our welding machines and performing multiple pull tests each day to ensure they are welding properly to the CE standards and guidelines delivering the best quality product possible. Watch the video below to see the process of our bands being welded and stress tested.
Pull Test Procedure Demonstration
Our Hygiene Kits are a Great Option for your Patients!
A patient's lack of care is more often than not a common issue with breaking band brackets. One of the main things to address with each patient is how strong the jaw actually is and the do's and dont's on what they can and can't eat during their orthodontic journey. Some common food items are nuts, hard and sticky candy, popcorn, and gum, along with items such as pens, toothpicks, or ice. Our hygiene kits are a great way to provide this information with a Do's and Don'ts chart and all the essential hygiene items they will need.
Click here to learn more about our hygiene kits in the SmileStream store!