PDS Announces New Ceramic Brackets
Try it for 10% less this Summer!
We are offering new and improved ceramic brackets in our store. They are durable, esthetic and can soon also be ordered easily in packs.

These brackets are of high quality and made in the USA. We have tested out various ceramic brackets to work with, and these were the best. They were reliable, resistant to breakage, and didn't have noticeable staining from coffee and soda use. Although metal brackets are sturdier, these new brackets had the best results for a ceramic material in the testing.
You can customize and choose your own torque per bracket. Or have the choice soon to also be able to order these ceramic brackets in new, easy-to-use patient packs. Dr. Dana will be sharing more information about the new brackets soon!
The new ceramic brackets are currently available to order on SmileStream in the Store. All you have to do is log into your SmileStream account, head to the store, and search for the ceramic brackets you want. Make sure to use the coupon code NEW CERAMIC before the end of September.
Summer Ceramic Sale
Save 10% off on all standard Roth 5-5, and upper incisor Li, lower incisor La, lower cuspid Li on our new ceramic brackets.
Use coupon code NEW CERAMIC upon checkout until September 30, 2020.
* If you want to order any remaining inventory of our previous ceramic brackets, please contact us at supplyorders@posortho.net until September 30, 2020. They are available until then in limited quantities at a discount and can only be ordered by calling or emailing PDS.*
It also holds up well to soda and coffee.
While ceramic brackets can work and look great on many patients, metal brackets can get you more control in the majority of cases. Read about the common types of braces and find out the pros and cons of different brackets in this Orthodontic Appliance 101 article.