Orthodontics is more than just straightening teeth—it’s about providing comprehensive care that transforms your patients’ oral health and overall well-being. While there are many reasons to consider adding orthodontics to your practice, here are five key benefits to get you started.
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Orthodontic Tips,
My First Ortho Patient,
POS Instructor Tips,
Tips for Success
As the demand for aligners grows, so does the chance for misdiagnosis. Relying solely on a lab tech to treatment plan your patients isn’t ideal. We asked our Aligner+ Instructor and Consultant, Dr. Collins Harrell, to identify the most common issues that arise from improper diagnosis and treatment planning of aligner cases, and this is what he said:
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Orthodontic Tips,
Clear Aligners,
Progressive Orthodontic Seminars,
Do you know the Ultimate Triad of Dentistry?
As doctors in the field of dental medicine, we have a responsibility to our patients to advocate for their best dental health and understand their dental needs thoroughly. There are three disciplines in dentistry that have a uniquely powerful relationship that every general dentist should have a fundamental understanding on.
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Orthodontic Tips,
POS Instructor Tips,
Continuing Education,
Sleep Medicine
POS is launching a new extra resource for you...and it's FREE!
Chat with a POS Instructor during any of our upcoming Office Hours time. During our launch month of August, we currently have three two-hour sessions, and are adding more times as doctors show more interest. See info and upcoming times
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Orthodontic News,
Orthodontic Tips,
POS Instructor Tips,
POS Family,
Tips for Success,
Clear Aligners,
Orthodontics for Beginners,
Business of Orthodontics,
Comprehensive Orthodontics,
Progressive Orthodontic Seminars,
Dentistry during COVID-19
One of the most valuable services I provide is orthodontic screenings for young patients.
Before kids get all their permanent teeth, an orthodontic screening can help me predict how teeth will erupt and how jaws will relate, and if there will be problems as they grow. Screening kids early helps me to better guide their growth to have better occlusion and long term health.
Unfortunately, some parents think of braces as a “teenager” thing. They may not understand how two phase orthodontics can help their kids and don’t want to consider orthodontics on their young children. Instead of having a difficult consultation, inform your patients' families effectively.
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Orthodontic Tips,
POS Instructor Tips,
Tips for Success,
Mixed Dentition,
Business of Orthodontics,
Growth Management
Have you ever wondered how to set up your Phase 1 and Phase 2 cases in billing?
Sometimes hearing what experienced colleagues do is the best guide. Here's a thread on SmileStream's Collaborate section that we thought would be helpful to many dentists. It even includes example scripts of an orthodontic patient consultation!
See POS graduates discussing how they set up mixed dentition set up and what works for them.
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Orthodontic Tips,
POS Family,
Tips for Success,
Mixed Dentition,
Phase 1,
Business of Orthodontics,
Want to know the key to success when it comes to orthodontic mechanics? Dr. Shockley Weir has your answers in this quick and easy blog!
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Orthodontic Tips,
Continuing Education,
Snoopy Bend,
Key Hole
If you're reading this article, you probably want to improve your care with orthodontics and may be wondering what's the best way to learn. Progressive Orthodontic Seminars makes sure to have options to accommodate any dentist's schedule.
As a dentist, you're busy. At POS, we've provided different formats to match your different needs. You can learn to provide comprehensive orthodontics with your choice of a Live or Internet Assisted Training (IAT) format. This video and table shows you how POS' two learning formats compare.
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Orthodontic Tips,
Tips for Success,
Comprehensive Orthodontics,
Live Series
Dr. Pooja Mandalia is a general dentist with a passion for providing orthodontic care. She works at Westend Dental‘s three locations to provide in-house orthodontics within their dental group.
When we interviewed her, Dr. Mandalia recently graduated with honors from our newest graduating class a month prior. While she was studying in our Comprehensive Orthodontic program, she encountered many life events. Instead of letting the curveballs of life dissuade her, she found new ways to continue her passion for orthodontics and grow her knowledge and care.
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What is GP Ortho,
Orthodontic Tips,
Case Study,
POS Family,
Tips for Success,
POS Graduation,
Short Term Orthodontics,
Comprehensive Orthodontics
Orthodontic emergencies happen. Instead of worrying about their possibility, use this guide so you’re prepared and calm when they happen. When you handle orthodontic issues properly, you’ll keep happy patients and a highly productive department.
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Orthodontic Tips,
Tips for Success,
Orthodontics for Beginners,