
Breaking Down the Barriers to Interceptive Orthodontics: Dr. Shockley Wier's Phase 1 Consult Script

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 7/9/19 4:00 PM


One of the most valuable services I provide is orthodontic screenings for young patients.

Before kids get all their permanent teeth, an orthodontic screening can help me predict how teeth will erupt and how jaws will relate, and if there will be problems as they grow. Screening kids early helps me to better guide their growth to have better occlusion and long term health.

Unfortunately, some parents think of braces as a “teenager” thing. They may not understand how two phase orthodontics can help their kids and don’t want to consider orthodontics on their young children. Instead of having a difficult consultation, inform your patients' families effectively.

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Topics: Orthodontic Tips, POS Instructor Tips, Growth, Tips for Success, Mixed Dentition, Business of Orthodontics, Growth Management

Case Study: Growth Management Class III - Utilizing Growth to Inspire Gratitude

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 11/19/18 4:08 PM

In the spirit of giving thanks, we are sharing a story that we received from POS Instructor, Dr. Sarmad N. Yassen.  When his patient Fatima lost hope, he successfully used Growth Prediction Protocols to treat her Class III tendency growing case to give her the smile she wanted.

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Topics: SmileStream, Class III, Case Study, POS Family, Comprehensive Orthodontics, Thankful, Growth Management

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