Learning orthodontics and treating orthodontic cases might sound simple, but it's not always a seamless process for everyone. Getting those first few cases, worrying about the investment and lacking confidence can be disheartening when starting an ortho practice. In this blog we go over one of the obstacles students encounter when starting cases and some helpful tips to overcome them.
Finding Cases
One of the biggest obstacles students encounter is finding cases to treat. The good news is that there are ortho cases everywhere and an ortho need in every community. To start ortho cases you need a patient who wants and is willing to pay for the needed ortho treatment. Try one or both of these steps to help you start generating a steady flow of ortho patients.
1. Follow Dr. McGann's Philosophy: Provide a FREE Orthodontic Screening on EVERY Patient in Your Practice
Provide free orthodontic screening to all patients in your practice as part of your comprehensive examination and care. This is a very effective way to gain first-hand knowledge of any issues and solutions to a healthy smile. Your patient will appreciate your thorough evaluation and the time spent providing them with a proper understanding of their potential ortho needs. Your job is to communicate how ortho can benefit them, it is up to them to request the services they want you to deliver.
Want to have a confident first ortho consultation? Read these sample scripts.
2. Let Your Patients Know You're Doing Ortho
Distinguish yourself from neighboring dentists and orthodontists by marketing your service. Let your patients know you provide quality orthodontic treatment with high-tech computer customized braces. We have both reasonably priced and free marketing resources for you to use.
Free For POS Family
Prove that you provide your patients the best care! At www.individualortho.com, patients can learn about the IP Appliance® system, read how you use smart, computer-customized braces, and understand your quality of product and work. Patients can also read more about how braces work and can improve their smiles and dentition. Share this information in your consultation and/or add the link to your website.

Progressive Dental Supply (PDS) provides materials that help you successfully market your orthodontic services to your current patients and build new business on a monthly basis. Download Social Media Marketing Posts
Available for Purchase at Progressive Dental Supply
The General Practice Marketing Package contains robust materials that will help you successfully market your orthodontic services to your current patients and build new business. Includes 2 posters, 20 patient brochures, and much more..
Hopefully, these tips get you on track to getting a healthy flow of orthodontic patients in your office.