
Now Stream Orthodontic Content Anywhere with SmileStream's New Mobile Video Capability

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 11/30/18 10:30 AM

SmileStream orthodontic software is a robust way for doctors to diagnose, treat, and learn orthodontics. The mobile app version of SmileStream has many of the features, and it now includes videos.

SmileStream App Now Featuring Video

SmileStream's desktop version allows the ability to watch video tutorials and former seminars to help with continuing education or just as a refresher of previous courses. Now the option to watch seminars and videos is available on the mobile app. This qualifies for the Lifetime Free Retake Policy, which means that if you've graduated from Progressive Orthodontic Seminars' Comprehensive Orthodontic Program, you have access to hundreds of hours of your favorite orthodontic education for free. This video will show you the exact path on the mobile app to be able to access all the videos you need.

Steps to watch your orthodontic seminars on your iPad or iPhone with SmileStream's iOS app
Education -> Training -> My Purchase -> the blue "SmileStream Approved" bar -> Video -> Seminar # -> Day #


Topics: SmileStream, POS Family, Comprehensive Orthodontics, Video, Video Capability

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