
The Economics of Adding Orthodontics to a GP Practice - A Profit/Cost Analysis

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 11/1/16 6:22 PM

As a general dentist, you have the flexibility to evolve your services to maximize your profits (and happiness). For those researching if orthodontics may be a good business move for you, this post will help you understand how it would affect your bottom line.

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Topics: Economics of Orthodontics, Tips for Success

4 Advantages AND Challenges that Every Responsible Dentist Should Consider Before Practicing GP Orthodontics

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 4/20/16 9:47 AM

As a general dentist, you may have considered adding orthodontic treatment to your practice at some point in your career. You may have spoken with sales reps from different education and supply companies who explained to you the amazing benefits of GP orthodontics. While it is great to know how orthodontics would improve your practice, you were likely left thinking of the challenges that ortho would present.

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Topics: What is GP Ortho, Economics of Orthodontics

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