Adding an orthodontic screening to your evaluation process can be a quick improvement to your care. In just 7 minutes, you gain a great diagnostic tool, provide an excellent service for your patients, and build credibility with your patients. Whether or not you provide orthodontics, orthodontic screenings are a must for all general dentists who want to better understand their patients’ oral health and motivations.
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Recent Posts
The Ultimate Orthodontic Screening Checklist: 9 must-do's before putting on braces
Topics: My First Ortho Patient, Tips for Success, Orthodontics for Beginners, New POS Students
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Suzie Bergman | What you need to know about SmileStream's Case Consulting service
POS instructor Dr. Suzie Bergman shares the important things to know about SmileStream's Case Consulting service in this interview.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, SmileStream, POS Instructor Tips, Current POS Students
Dr. Shockley Wier's 3-Step Guide to Improve Your Orthodontic Extraction Mechanics
An orthodontic mechanics guru shares how to significantly decrease your treatment time and finish more cases Class I
As orthodontic providers, we all attempt to finish cases Class I, but occasionally we struggle to accomplish this goal. Many of us spend so much time trying to get into Class I that the inefficiencies decrease the profitability.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, POS Instructor Tips, POS Family, Current POS Students, Mechanics
5 Secrets to Providing Great Orthodontic Care as a GP
Orthodontics is one of the most lucrative and rewarding specialties in dentistry. But as general dentists, many of us worry that we won’t be able to do it well.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, Tips for Success, Orthodontics for Beginners, New POS Students
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Jacques Cilliers | Growing an ortho practice from the ground up
Dr. Jacques Cilliers helped bring the POS program to his hometown of Johannesburg, South Africa five years ago, and has been running the program ever since. In 2018 we were proud to welcome him to the POS Instructor family. Get Dr. Cilliers' unique perspective on GP orthodontics in this interview.
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Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Joe Viviano | Tips for incorporating orthodontics from a doctor with 30 years of experience
Dr. Joe Viviano joined Progressive Orthodontic Seminars almost 30 years ago. At that time, students didn't have nearly the amount of resources to help them learn orthodontics as they do today. In this interview, Dr. Viviano recounts how they used to get by without computers, and shares some expert tips that he has learned throughout his long orthodontic career.
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Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Michael Layton | Pros and Cons of Internet Assisted Training (IAT)
Topics: SmileStream, POS Instructor Tips, New POS Students, IAT
Orthodontics vs. Implants: Which is more profitable?
Dental school doesn’t always cover the business side of dentistry, but it is essential knowledge for all dentists who want to run a successful practice. You may have asked yourself, ‘Could I benefit from adding additional services to my practice? How much do these things cost? What’s the best use of my time and resources?
Myths & Facts About Midlines in Orthodontics | Dr. Jeffery Taylor sets the record straight
There are many myths about midlines that plague professionals providing orthodontic care. Are you thinking about midlines incorrectly?
Topics: POS Instructor Tips, Tips for Success, Current POS Students, Case Finishing
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Brian Liao | Get to know SmileStream's #1 Case Consultant
POS Instructor Dr. Brian Liao does it all. When he's not working in one of his 2 practices on 2 different continents, he's traveling around the world teaching and helping students diagnose thousands of cases (he's the #1 most requested consultant on SmileStream). Get to know Dr. Liao and learn more about his impressive orthodontic journey in this interview.
Topics: POS Instructor Tips, POS Family, Tips for Success