This is a guest post by POS graduate (and now POS instructor) Dr. Jacques Cilliers. Learn how he successfully helped his patient Yolin go from a 12 year old who hated her smile, to a confident teenager who loves taking selfies.
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Case Study: How “Walking the Midline” Shifted this Patient’s Teeth and Confidence
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4 Reasons Why We Can’t Live without Dental Assistants
In celebration of Dental Assistants Recognition Week, we wanted to share why we appreciate, love, and can’t live without our dental assistants.
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The top GP orthodontic CE program can now come to you
Topics: Orthodontic News, Continuing Education
A guide for dentists new to orthodontics
Each year we work with thousands of dentists who are researching whether orthodontics could be a profitable addition to their practices. One of the most common questions we get from these doctors is “how much do orthodontic supplies cost?”
While we wish we could give an answer with a specific dollar amount, the reality is that costs can range. All patients are different, and some cases may need more materials than others. Costs can also range depending upon the quality and amount of product you purchase.
Check out this guide for rough costs of materials you’ll need per orthodontic case and decide for yourself if orthodontics makes financial sense for your practice.
Topics: Economics of Orthodontics, Orthodontics for Beginners, Orthodontic Supplies
Not your average free CE course: Why the Intro to Orthodontics is so worth your time
A lot of times, cheap CEs are the worst. Have you ever wasted your time at a boring, overly salesy seminar? It probably looked something like this.
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we wanted to write an ode to our favorite specialty, orthodontics!
Evaluating Dr. Dana’s Facial Esthetics – Does he pass his own test?
When Dr. David Dana first revealed the Update 2018 topic to us here at POS Headquarters, we were so excited for the potential of this seminar to really bring major improvements to all POS students’ orthodontic work.
We were also very excited when all 5 of our handsome Update instructors agreed to appear on the cover of the course brochure. We hoped that you would not only enjoy seeing some friendly, familiar faces in your mailbox, but also enjoy evaluating them as if they were your own patients.
Being the good sport that he is, Dr. Dana sat down with us to evaluate his own facial esthetics, as well as answer some of our questions about Update 2018.
Topics: POS Instructor Tips, Current POS Students, Esthetics
Improve Your Digital Orthodontic Models with These 4 Easy Tips
Having accurate orthodontic models are important in designing successful treatment plans. With new technologies, doctors can now minimize their clutter with digital 3-D orthodontic models. But, with electronic study models, can you still get the same accuracy as white poured stone models?
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, Tips for Success, Orthodontics for Beginners, New POS Students, Assistants
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. David Dana | Update 2018 Sneak Peak [Part 2]
Picking up from where they left off in Part 1, Dr. David Dana and POS CEO Miles McGann talk about why analyzing all of your orthodontic treatment options, including surgery, is key to providing your patients with the best esthetic outcome.
Topics: POS Instructor Tips, Current POS Students, Esthetics
SMILESTREAM FAQ: How to customize your orthodontic contract and consent forms with Patient Reports
Want to make your case presentations look sharp and have your orthodontic department look professional? Customize your orthodontic forms in SmileStream. Add your company logo, font or image by following these easy steps.
Topics: SmileStream, Tips for Success, New POS Students