
How much doctor time does orthodontics really take?

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 5/30/18 11:21 AM

As a dentist, you’re probably extremely busy. Juggling patients, running a business, maintaining friendships, and having an enjoyable family life are some of the many things you fit into your day. Although you may want to grow your career and professional abilities, sometimes it may feel overwhelming to fit something new into your schedule.

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Topics: My First Ortho Patient, Orthodontics for Beginners, New POS Students, Business of Orthodontics

7 Reasons Why Working Near Another Orthodontic Provider Can Actually Boost Your Own Business

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 5/9/18 1:50 PM

We have talked with dentists all over the world, and find that dentists often wish they had no competition. For those that provide orthodontic care, they often want no other orthodontists or dentists in their area offering braces. They feel like if there is no competition, they could dominate the entire market for those needing orthodontic care.

But from our years of experience, we’ve found that having a strong orthodontic community is professionally rewarding and good for business. Here is why you want to have orthodontic friends and even orthodontic competitors in your neighborhood.

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Topics: POS Family, Current POS Students, Business of Orthodontics

Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Joe Viviano | Tips for incorporating orthodontics from a doctor with 30 years of experience

Posted by POS Course Adviser on 4/13/18 10:08 AM

Dr. Joe Viviano joined Progressive Orthodontic Seminars almost 30 years ago. At that time, students didn't have nearly the amount of resources to help them learn orthodontics as they do today. In this interview, Dr. Viviano recounts how they used to get by without computers, and shares some expert tips that he has learned throughout his long orthodontic career.

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Topics: POS Instructor Tips, POS Family, Current POS Students, Business of Orthodontics

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