POS Instructor Dr. Ben Villalon came to POS headquarters for Update 2017 so we took the opportunity to ask him questions about his area of expertise: mixed dentition orthodontics.
Q&A with POS Instructor Ben Villalon | Expert Mixed Dentition Orthodontics Advice [Video + Transcript]
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, POS Instructor Tips, Growth, Tips for Success, Current POS Students, Mixed Dentition, Phase 1
8 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Miss the Free Intro to Orthodontics Seminar
Topics: Orthodontic News, Continuing Education, Free Intro to Orthodontics, Orthodontics for Beginners
5 Reasons Why Every Invisalign® Provider Should Consider Additional Orthodontic Training
Are you one of the 80,000+ dentists trained to provide Invisalign treatment? You are providing a popular, invisible treatment to straightening teeth, and your patients appreciate it.
However, if you only have training in Invisalign (or a similar clear aligner product), you can get into trouble or find it to be too costly. Here are the top reasons why every Invisalign provider should consider seeking additional orthodontic training.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, Tips for Success, Clear Aligners, Invisalign
4 Reasons Why Patients Prefer Their General Dentist For Orthodontic Treatment
Topics: What is GP Ortho, Orthodontic Tips
Taming the Tongue - A Case Study of One Doctor’s Myofunctional Success
In this guest post by POS graduate Dr. Rani Seeth, learn how she treated a myofuntional habit and transformed the smile of her patient Luz Mary.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, Case Study, POS Family
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Jeffery Taylor | Expert Case Finishing Advice [Video + Transcript]
POS Instructor Dr. Jeffery Taylor stopped by POS headquarters to share his expert insight into orthodontic case finishing in our latest instructor Q&A video.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, POS Instructor Tips, Tips for Success, Current POS Students, Case Finishing
Q&A with POS Instructor Dr. Subodh Swaroop | Tips for Success [Video + Transcript]
After teaching Seminar 6 in Orange County recently, POS instructor Dr. Subodh Swaroop sat down with us to share some tips for success for all POS students who are midway through our seminar series.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, POS Instructor Tips, Tips for Success, Seminar 6, Current POS Students
Planning Your Dental CE Schedule for the New Year? 9 Questions to Ask Before Booking Your Next Course
It’s the start of a new year which means it’s time to plan your dental CE courses for the year. Undoubtedly, you can only dedicate so much time to continuing education between your patient schedule and personal life. So it’s important to make the most of the time you can commit to education.
Topics: Orthodontic News, Continuing Education
How to Fix a "Snaggle Tooth" - A Case Study of One Dentist Fixing 7mm of Class II
In this guest post by POS graduate Dr. Rani Seeth, learn how she successfully treated a "snaggle tooth" case for her patient Johana.
Topics: Orthodontic Tips, Case Study
An interview with one of POS' most successful graduates
Dr. Rani Seeth is a successful owner of two family dental practices in Illinois. She has been offering comprehensive orthodontic care to her patients since 2012 when she started taking Progressive Orthodontic Seminars’ (POS’) Comprehensive Orthodontic Series. She has treated hundreds of orthodontic patients and quickly transformed her practice with orthodontic services.
Having graduated with Highest Honors, we wanted to hear her story on how she was able to manage her time and patients. Read what she did to excel in her POS studies and help so many orthodontic patients.
Topics: What is GP Ortho, Orthodontic Tips, Case Study, POS Family, Tips for Success